As you all may be aware by now heightened security protocols are being put in place due to the G20 leadership team in the area around the conference venue. These protocols will result in movements being very restricted around our conference’s venue in addition to access to and from the venue for those not within the zone. In addition to the hardships that you all may encounter in getting to and from the venue, with your safety at the top of the list after exploring every possible option to continue with the planned in person event, deliberation and hesitation the organizing committee members have made the decision to hold the conference completely virtually using the zoom platform. This will enable you to learn “best practices” from the same world-renowned subject matter experts from the comfort of your home.
We have kept very nominal fee of Rs. 800/delegate for the online registration for delegates from India only and reimbursement of the balance will be shared back with your consent. We will share the details of the virtual platform in the coming days.
The virtual platform with the exception of in person interactions will be of high-quality, meeting your expectations. The committee is already looking for another in person early next year. We sincerely apologize for any hardships this may have caused but understand that these restrictions were not anticipated earlier and were beyond our control.
Once again please accept our apologies for this last-minute change and look forward to seeing you all (virtually) next week.
Er. RJ Ringshia
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