The National Capital City (IKN) is the name of the new Indonesian capital located on the island of Kalimantan. The relocation of the capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan is expected to be the first step in realizing equitable development and prosperity in Indonesia, and can achieve Indonesia’s target as a developed country in accordance with Indonesia’s Vision 2045. At the present, The development of IKN is still in the early stage of relocation in 2022 – 2024. At this early stage, the focus is on the construction of basic infrastructure as well as important state buildings such as the Presidential Palace, Vice Presidential Palace, Ministerial Housing and others.
The Indonesian Society of Civil and Structural Engineers (HAKI), through its members, participated in the planning and development process of the IKN. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Tudjono, M.S. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Han Ay Lie, M.Eng. as constructors in planning the construction of the Vice Presidential Palace area. In planning the area, there are challenges including the condition of the hilly area and the design process that requires respecting the contours and being eco-friendly in the implementation of the development later.
Vice Presidential Palace Area

Vice Presidential Palace Building

Vice President Secretariat Building